Saturday, November 10, 2007

First gravity reading....

Well it's been in the Fermenter 5 days...No bubbles in airlock.....

  1. Cleaned Racking cane, hydrometer & case.
  2. Took enough samples to fill Hydrometer case.
  3. Cleaned /Sanitized airlock & plug.
  4. Placed carboy back in its storage area. Tried not to disturb it to much.

Question 1. By removing the airlock dont I introduce airborne bacteria into the brew??

Specific Gravity Spec's & Measured Result

Starting Gravity 1.048-1.050 <<>> Final Gravity 1.017-1.020

My reading: 1.024

Observations: Poured brew into snifter to analyze.

  1. Visually: Lighter brown than i expected from a stout. More the color of a brown ale like New Castle (maybe a little darker). Also the brew was very cloudy...I am expecting the beer to clear up in the next week or so. Maybe i'll try a clarifying agent next go around.
  2. Aroma: I smell the malt's & alcohol. No noticeable hop aroma.
  3. Taste: Bear with me here as i am trying to understand what i am tasting.....Reminds me of a young wine with crazy tannins....I believe i am tasting an overload of hops....Also a taste of alcohol....If i were to sum it up i would say this beer is young & confused which i think is an appropriate evaluation at this point in fermentation. Also i dont really taste the malts as i thought i would considering the aroma asessment.

Bottom Line...It tastes like beer! Not that pleasant at this point but I think it's on the right track.


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